What people are saying.

  • “What a beautiful and gracious lady with an amazing story! Loved the incredible spirit, the wisdom and of course the hats.”

  • “The PRATT in the HAT is a beautiful short film. Dr. Pratt is wise, delightful, informative, and visually delicious. What a rich 15 minutes! Beautifully done.”

    Gloria Bonelli Goshen Arts Council

  • “Awesome film about the Ledgenary Dr Frances Pratt.”

  • “A most delightful, lovely film with such words of wisdom from The Pratt In The Hat. Loved it.”

    Paulette Ross Nyack Arts Council

  • “The wonderful, sassy, witty & phenomenal Dr. Pratt cannot be duplicated. She is one of a kind. Enjoy her pearls of wisdom for years. And love Prattism nuggets to ponder! Love the movie!”

  • “What a gift of a film about a gift of a human being Dr. Frances Pratt.”

    Jen White Nyack Mayor

  • "Tears came to my eyes several times on the optimism, brilliance, creativity and activism that comes with a message in a subtle, powerful way. It speaks of a confident women and talented filmmaking that always peaked our interest."

    Shelli Lipton, Director Woodstock Museum

  • "The story of Dr Frances Pratt unfolds gracefully. An extraordinary life devoted to the US Civil Rights movement told with lightness of touch, joy and humour. Thanks for sharing this educational, sartorial, political documentary about the live and hats of the incredible Dr Frances Pratt."
